Star Wars™️: Card Trader Iconic Original Art Set

Topps Digital Brings Greatest Characters to Life

Date: Sep 19, 2024
Author: Rick Stevenson
Topics: Education, Product, Rick Stevenson, Star Wars, Star Wars: Card Trader, Topps Digital
Length: 435 Words
Reading Time: ~3 Minutes

Every Star Wars™ fan has a favorite character or two or ten. Star Wars has become filled with iconic aliens, droids, Jedi, and starfighter pilots over the years, making it hard to pick just one. Maybe you’re a Mace Windu loyalist still holding out hope that he survived his plummet on Coruscant. Or maybe you’re the staunch Jar Jar defender, telling everyone who will listen how Mother Talzin would have returned to a reign of terror without his intervention.

Recognizing the galaxy’s greatest characters is what the Iconic Original Art Set is all about. All year long in the Star Wars™: Card Trader app, collectors have been chasing new designs of their favorite heroes and villains, brought to brilliant life by a team of phenomenal artists. In January, Robert Jimènez kicked things off with a fierce rendition of Cassian Andor. In February, Uzuri Art added a dual-saber battle pose for Ahsoka Tano, and artist BalanceSheet followed that up in March with a stunning portrait of Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Since then, the Iconic series has brought many other beloved characters to Star Wars™: Card Trader with bold new looks. Spring and summer delivered a trio of sequel trilogy stars, with Uzuri Art returning for a new Finn card, Kylo Ren entering the set under the pen of Kris Penix, and Resistance ace pilot Poe Dameron getting a gorgeous X-wing cockpit rendition from Kristen Plescow. August added a snowy Chewbacca to the lineup, courtesy of Daniel Horne.

For September, wise Jedi Master and expert saberist Qui-Gon Jinn enters the Iconic roster. The full-color art from Robert Jimènez shows Qui-Gon with his lightsaber ignited, set aglow in his Jedi robes by a bright background of rich green and gold.

As with past cards in the Iconic Original Art Set, you can add this latest piece to your collection in a couple of ways. Assemble September’s Featured Base Character Cards and take them to the Workbench to craft Force Lightning Variants, then turn those into a black-and-white version of the newest Iconic character. Trade up for the Rare Completed Work Card and Super Rare Tilt Card. 

You can also get Iconic Original Art Cards via Bundle Pack, which adds the chance to find exclusive variants and signature cards. Get in on the hunt for Qui-Gon in the Star Wars™: Card Trader app, and stay tuned for more Iconic Original Art character cards dropping later this year.

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