Collect These Topps Digital Stunners
Earlier this year, Marvel Collect! brought the stunning work of legendary comic book artist Alex Ross to digital collectors with the Timeless collection, showcasing a range of classic villain designs. Volume 2 has now arrived in the app, bringing another wave of gorgeous cards to collect.
Like the first wave released in 2024, this new set centers on Marvel’s greatest villains, with cards showing them off in some of their most famous and beloved looks. Venom, Loki, Black Cat, and many more are here to collect, all rendered in Ross’s unique style. In addition to the character profile cards, there’s a whole set of comic covers to collect, featuring the likes of Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, and the Avengers, among other famous heroes.
Since the early ‘90s, Alex Ross has been a central name in the world of comics, and Marvel has been a huge part of his work in the decades since. Fans will know him for his cover art on series like Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America, Avengers, Immortal Hulk, and other Marvel projects. His detailed approach to character design and the vibrancy of his art are showcased perfectly in the Timeless Volume 2 set in Marvel Collect!
The cards are diverse and colorful, ranging from close-up character studies to mural-style cards, which fans of Timeless ‘24 Volume 1 will already be familiar with. Ross is well known for his rich, dynamic art style, and collectors can enjoy that distinct look across the full breadth of the set.
With 109 cards and seven collectible awards to hunt for, the new series is perfect for newcomers and seasoned digital collectors. The last subset in Timeless ‘24, Universe X, shows glimpses of Ross’s dark vision for the future of the Marvel Universe. In addition to the base cards and awards, Marvel Collect! users can chase 16 Gold Motion Villain Profile Cards and five special collectible Tilt Cards, which change from black and white to full color and can expand to show a larger image.
Topps Timeless ‘24, Volume 2 dropped in the Marvel Collect! app on August 31, so the chase has already begun. Hop in now to start collecting the timeless art of Alex Ross.